Meet Pam
Holistic Nutritionist and Well-being Coach
I’m Pam, and as I write this I am 46years old. I was 45 when I realised that the Peri-Menopause had snuck up on me and whispered “surprise mother f*cker” in my ear (in my head this is also in the voice of Michelle from the TV series Derry Girls).
In truth I had probably been riding those wonky hormone waves for at least a year prior to this realisation, but hadn’t joined the dots on the cyclical nature of my symptoms. This is not uncommon as the Peri-Menopause is a sneaky wee blighter and presents in different ways for different people. One gal’s sleep dysregulation is another person’s belly fat gain, or acne or gut issues or – as was the case for me – pretty hefty anxiety and overwhelm that didn’t always follow the same pattern.
And the other little “gift” (ahem) is that it comes at a time in our life where we often have a ton going on. We may have pressures at work, at home or with aging extended family. Our close friends are very likely to be navigating the Perry-Meno storm with us and tackling their own peaks and troughs, which might mean they are less available. Many of us may be parenting teens and what a joy to behold it is when their hormone changes clash beautifully with ours, as their late nights tally so delightfully with our energy falling off a cliff at 7pm or perhaps – joy of great joys – their overwhelm/anxiety/worries over exams or college or friendship/relationship lock horns with our overthinking/self-esteem nose-dive/generally feeling like a big fat pudding of nothing.
I had been supporting Women in health for many a year, but it wasn't until I experienced it myself that I truly understood just how challenging it can be. For years I had been saying to clients "it's not all about the flipping avocado's you know" and never was this more true that in the midlife Meno-dance.
Within my sessions I introduce Women to a whole new tool-kit for surfing the midlife highs and lows, with a special focus on self-care, self-compassion, building resilience and banishing the negative mind-munsters that can leave us feeling depleted, run out and in deep overwhelm.
More than anything I hope to help other Women feel less alone as they navigate the sometimes-choppy waters that is midlife.. My sessions offer solace, insight and real clarity on an alternative way to navigate midlife; and all with a side serving of compassion and a glug of humour (where appropriate!)
Pam is commonly spotted perched on her back step with a cup of something murky, dogs-as-radiator playing their vital cameo roles; wondering if she’s forgotten something vital. Inevitably there is something to remember or something to do but it can usually wait until the cup is devoid of liquid.

"It's not all about the flipping avocado's!
I’m Pam, and as I write this I am 46years old. I was 45 when I realised that the Peri-Menopause had snuck up on me and whispered “surprise mother f*cker” in my ear (in my head this is also in the voice of Michelle from the splendid TV series Derry Girls).
In truth I had probably been riding those wonky hormone waves for at least a year prior to this realisation, but hadn’t joined the dots on the cyclical nature of my symptoms. This is not uncommon as the Peri-Menopause is a sneaky wee blighter and presents in different ways for different people. One gal’s sleep dysregulation is another person’s belly fat gain, or acne or gut issues or – as was the case for me – pretty hefty anxiety and overwhelm that didn’t always follow the same pattern.
And the other little “gift” (ahem) is that it comes at a time in our life where we often have a ton going on. We may have pressures at work, at home or with aging extended family. Our close friends are very likely to be navigating the Peri-Meno storm with us which might mean they are less available. Many of us may be parenting teens and what a joy to behold it is when their hormone changes clash beautifully with ours, as their late nights tally so delightfully with our energy falling off a cliff at 7pm or perhaps – joy of great joys – their overwhelm/anxiety/worries over exams or teen-life lock horns with our overthinking/ plummeting self-esteem leaving us feeling wrung out, depleted and overwhelmed.
Within my sessions I introduce Women to a number of different practices ideal for surfing the highs and lows of midlife, with a special focus on self-care, self-compassion, building resilience and banishing the negative mind-munsters that can leave us feeling depleted, run out and in deep overwhelm.
More than anything I hope to help other Women feel less alone as they navigate the sometimes-choppy waters that is midlife.. My sessions offer solace, insight and real clarity on an alternative way to navigate midlife; and all with a side serving of compassion and a glug of humour.
Prices start from £90/hr; a 90minute session is recommended initially.
All sessions are via Zoom.

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